The Problem That CIOs Have With Windows Software

광고 How much Microsoft Windows software is being used at the company that you work at? If you are like most of us, the answer to this question is “a lot”. Microsoft not only does a very good job with most of their software (think Office), but they have also been doing it for a long time – they are a key part of the importance of information technology at most firms. What this means is that over time we’ve all collected a great deal of their software and we’ve built it into the company’s IT infrastructure. However, the bad guys out there know this and they are using Microsoft software to gain access to the company 몸캠 삭제.

What’s Wrong With Microsoft Software?

The first thing that we all have to understand is that Microsoft is everywhere. This is what makes it such an attractive target for hackers. They just keep attacking it over and over. What is starting to be realized by the person with the CIO job and security experts everywhere is that there is a reason for these repeated attacks. There is a fundamental weakness in the architecture of the Windows platform, which seems to make it particularly vulnerable to malware.

The really smart people who have taken a close look at the software that Microsoft has created over the years have made a discovery. What they have learned is that the fundamental weakness in Microsoft software that is attracting the hackers lies in its application programming interfaces (APIs). These are interfaces to pre-existing Microsoft software that lets a developer write an application and then simply make a function call to open a file instead of having to write new code to perform this task. It is also provides the set of tools that lets users take data from an Excel spreadsheet and insert it into a Word document. These Microsoft APIs are everywhere in their software products, operating systems, and tools. They are critical to the functioning of the connected world. The problem that the experts have discovered with the collection of core Microsoft APIs known as Windows API has to do with their age.

It turns out that some of these APIs were created before modern digital security practices were put in place. This makes them particularly vulnerable to abuse in today’s world by hackers. This is not an easy problem to solve. The APIs in Microsoft products are critical to how their software works and critical to the way that our companies use them. The simple solution of just turning them all off is not an option – too many other things would all of a sudden just stop working. The alternative to doing this is that Microsoft keeps issuing one software patch after another, fixing bugs and vulnerabilities as they arise.

Author: admin