List of 7 Largest Stock Market Exchanges in The World 2019


Stock markets have become the talk of the town, with several companies growing in share value and several individuals worldwide investing relentlessly. The share market in Thailand is one such place that has begun to see stifling crowds and has piqued the interest of many. However, this is but one drop in the sea of stock exchange markets all over the world krw exchange!
Here are 7 of the largest stock exchange markets as of today:
Top Stock Exchanges in the World
Top Stock Exchanges in the World
Top Stock Market in the World
1) New York Stock Exchange : Known globally as the world’s largest stock market, the NYSE can be found at 11 Wall Street in Lower Manhattan, New York City. It holds a value of about $30 trillion and sees immense trading crowd. There are 21 rooms for conducting trades. Though this large, the Forex markets shadow the $170 billion value of stock markets effortlessly!
2) Nasdaq : Second to NYSE in value, the Nasdaq Stock Market is also an American stock exchange market. Owned by Nasdaq, the same company that owns Nasdaq Nordic and Baltic share market, the capitalization value of this market is about $11,000 billion.
3) Japan Exchange Group : The JPX is a Japanese corporation responsible for handling security exchanges like Tokyo and Osaka Stock Exchange. This market has a capitalization value of around $5700 billion.
4) Shanghai Stock Exchange : Located in the Shanghai city of China, the SSE is one of the two stock markets in this country. The Shanghai stock market is the world’s 4th largest exchange market valued at $4000 billion. However, unlike other stock markets, the Chinese markets aren’t always welcome to foreign investors.
5) Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited : Asia’s third biggest stock exchange market, the SEHK has a mammoth value of $3900 billion, falling a little short behind SSE. There are over 1900 companies listed here and SEHK is one of the fastest growing markets in Asia!
6) Euronext : An incredibly extensive share trading domain, the Euronext is a stock operator with offices in Amsterdam and markets working in London, Paris, Lisbon, Brussels and Dublin. Euronext provides everything ranging from listing market data to cash and derivatives. Bonds, commodities, indices, exchange-traded funds are some of the many products they provide. To top this off, you can also avail a Forex trading platform from them! The Euronext is valued at $3900 billion.

Author: admin